Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Gnabe-Bugle

The most important (and perhaps only) rule that Peace Corps Volunteers must follow is Do Not Get Involved In Politics. This rule makes sense, since we are invited here by the Panamanian government. The irony is that most of us have very clear opinions on political matters (usually very liberal) and we are used to being loud and outspoken with these opinions at home. I certainly struggle with this rule here, as I often have to keep my mouth shut when people are discussing the current president, Ricardo Martinelli, or the minister of education, Lucy Molinar. The biggest issue in Panama right now pits the federal government in Panama City against the indigenous Gnabe-Bugle people, who live on land rich in minerals, especially copper, and stand in the way of mining and hydroelectricity projects. I encourage you to visit another volunteer's blog post from February, when major protests were going on. He explains the situation much better than I ever could:
And here for a more opinionated article:

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